watchseries Gisaengchung 2019 Full Movie Online Watch

  • Actor Sun-kyun Lee
  • 385743 Vote
  • user Rating 9,4 / 10
  • Release date 2019
  • South Korea
  • 2hours, 12 M

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Somewhere in a slum of South Korea, a tight-knit, underprivileged family (two parents, two kids) struggle to make ends meet, each day clinging to the hope of wealth and good fortune. When the son lands a gig tutoring the child of a well-to-do family, the father seizes the opportunity to escape their squalid reveal any more would be a travesty. Takes its time getting started, but once it does hang on! Spellbinding mixture of social commentary, greed, horror, dark comedy, familial bonds, and a totally unpredictable narrative with creative, clever story twists that you can't possibly see coming, this inspires a multitude of emotions like anger, sadness, pity, humorous shock and awe, and just refuses to let up. The ending is padded-out, and definitely stretches the limits of credulity, but the film's overall impact is simply undeniable. Daring, ambitious, and ingeniously handled by Bong Joon-ho (deservedly earning a best director Oscar) who manages to pull the rug out even when you're sure you've got things figured out. ½.




  • 1000 / 1000